
C0zmic001's avatar


1 day ago


How to use coins?

This is a question for the devs or whoever can answer this. I was wondering how to use the coins you earn. I have 15 that I earned with an achievement and have no idea how to use them. Could you please help me?

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Platinum I · Division II
Aspiring Influencer
10 hours ago
You can't just reward designs, comments etc., you can also Gift Premium perks to other users, such as plus. Therefore, you need to spend 500 credits tho. By the way: You can earn way more coins by completing some more tasks. You find them under your profile in tje section "your coins"


Platinum III · Division II
S11 Tournament Winner
1 day ago
You can use coins by gifting awards to players, car designs, clips, etc.


Gold I · Division I
1 day ago
@C0zmic001 you press the button that looks similar to this 🎉


Gold I · Division I
1 day ago
However on some, in the bottom there is a button that says award you can use thst

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