
C0zmic001's avatar


2 days ago


Feature Request
New feature

I was wondering if you could add a feature that allowed people to be in a clan or something. Like they could all be in a group chat or smth and could all communicate with each other. Idk I think it could be cool

Feature Request status

In Review
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Gold II · Division I
20 hours ago
Wow man I really like that idea thatโ€™s pretty creative I think that would be cool we could all trash talk epic games even more I love doing that


Platinum III · Division II
Credit Hoarder
2 hours ago
Someone recently mentioned in a video (Musty?) about how Clubs in RL had so much potential, and then went to straight nothing. I wish there was something in game that added incentive enough to use those so it wouldn't be a surprise to suggest it here.

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