
Playlist population

Good, great or amazing? Check out how many players are currently playing Rocket League!

290894 Current online players

Playlist Players
Main Menu (RL) 88341
Ranked Doubles (2v2) 56395
Ranked Standard (3v3) 25428
Doubles (2v2) 23953
Standard (3v3) 17246
Training (RL) 14192
Ranked Tournaments (RL) 12409
Private Match (RL) 11982
Ranked Duel (1v1) 7479
Duel (1v1) 4800
Match Queue (RL) 4151
Winter Breakaway (3v3) 4118
Ranked Rumble (3v3) 3800
Offline Splitscreen Match (RL) 3134
Training Pack (RL) 2933
Super Cube (3v3) 2855
Chaos (4v4) 2613
Season Match (RL) 1958
Ranked Hoops (2v2) 1690
Ranked Snow Day (3v3) 986
Workshop Match (RL) 226
Ranked Tournaments (RL) 172
Training Pack Editor (RL) 25

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